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Library Apps Support - Drop-In

Do you know that there are a few apps you can use to access our catalog of books, magazines, and more? If you have questions on how to use any of the following apps, or need assistance getting them setup, then feel free to stop on by! 

BCCLS app: This is the app that allows you to access your library account and place holds on physical items from your library, see when things are due, and more.

Libby app: Libby is used to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines all for free with your library card! Do you have an Amazon Kindle? Then, you can link your libby account to your kindle and send your ebooks directly to your device. If you would like help setting that up, stop by!

Hoopla app: Hoopla is another great app that allows you to borrow eBooks, Audiobooks, comics, music, movies and more all for free with your libray card! The difference between this and Libby? NO WAIT TIME! Instant access to the Hoopla catalog materials with no hold times.

Not sure if you should stop by the drop-in support? Call us at 973-471-1692 or email Mariah at mariah.texidor@wallington.bccls.org with questions.

Saturday, November 25, 2023
12:00pm - 4:00pm
Wallington - JFK Memorial Library Upstairs
BCCLS Library:
Wallington's John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
  Adults     Teens  

Event Organizer

Wallington John F. Kennedy Memorial Library