Event box

Indoor Rowing
Join the indoor rowing class, get fit, get in shape and have fun all in one. Come and find out why Indoor rowing (erging) is the most effective form of excercise that uses nearly every muscle in your body. No experience is necessary, rowing is easy to learn. We will cater to all levels of fitness and proficiency, focusing on technique, strength, endurance, core and more with varied, music filled workouts. Whatever your fitness goals, erging will help you achieve them.
This is a paid Adult School class. Click here to register.
Event Organizer
Montclair Adult School
- adultschool@montclairlibrary.org
- 50 S. Fullerton Ave
Montclair, NJ 07402 - 973-744-0500 x2224
- https://montclairlibrary.org/adult-school