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Tech Help Tuesdays

Looking for help using our digital resources like Libby or Kanopy? Need help using your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or other device? Drop by our conference room on Tuesdays for in-person one-on-one help! Drop in hours are on a first come, first served basis. Please be sure to charge and bring the device you would like assistance with!

Please note: we are not able to repair devices.

Need more assistance? We'll be offering one-on-one computer classes! Please call 201-387-4040 ext. 2832 to register and for more information. Bergenfield residents have priority for classes. Classes for out of town patrons are available for a fee.

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 Show more dates
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Bergenfield - Conference Room (2nd Floor)
BCCLS Library:
Bergenfield Public Library
  Adult Programs  

Event Organizer

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Bergenfield Library
50 W. Clinton Ave.
Bergenfield, NJ 07621

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