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Community Service and College Admissions in the time of COVID-19

Community Service and College Admissions in the time of COVID-19

The Tenafly Public Library

Invites You to a Free Online Webinar:

Stand Out for College

How COVID-19 is Changing College Admission

We are offering this Zoom presentation to help families understand how COVID-19 is changing the college admissions landscape and how it will affect Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors.  

The college admissions process is undergoing significant and lasting changes as many colleges and universities have gone test optional for this current admissions cycle and will evaluate their standardized testing policies going forward. With the opportunity for visiting colleges curtailed, we’ll discuss how students can engage with colleges virtually to help them develop a preliminary list of colleges to consider visiting when campuses are fully open.

We will discuss the holistic review process and focus on the greater consideration admissions officers will give to extracurricular activities as they will have fewer data points to rely on due to the disruptions from COVID-19.

This program covers how admissions officers are handling the current situation and how students can position themselves to develop a compelling narrative to increase their chances for admission. We will also discuss the importance of community service and how it can help a student to stand out from other applicants.  

The presentation will be led by Ron Feuchs and Jackie Tepper, partners at Stand Out For College, LLC.

* A Zoom link will be sent to participants prior to the program.

Thursday, January 28, 2021
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Tenafly - Offsite
BCCLS Library:
Tenafly Public Library
Registration has closed.

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